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Analytica is a research and training association linked to the New Clinic, both founded in 2000 by Dr. Scott Von and associates for the production of clinical and theoretical work in integral medicine, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, philosophy, and related fields of the arts and sciences. Analytica is unique in developing a project to produce a clinic and place for medicine and psychiatry to be practiced in conjunction with and as preliminary to pure analysis. We seek to further Freud and Lacan’s project of taking psychoanalysis out of the medical and therapeutic paradigm and into a new form of psychic transformation and social relation. Analytica exists for the production of analysis not for the production of analysts. The question of whether one wants to further one’s professional practice – for example as a doctor, teacher, artist, scientist, or otherwise – with their analytic work is unique to each person. Analytica does not require or provide degrees, licenses, or exams, which are relevant to the university or state of each member. Analytica is concerned with the production of analysis in extension as a form of transmission and transformation of social relations by means of the analytic discourse, and thus it functions as a school, clinic. laboratory, gallery, theatre, and publisher for the production of its members.