The Psychosomatic Symptom: Integral Medicine & Psychiatry

March 1, 2019
1:00 PM 2:00 PM

This Seminar will be in San Francisco with FCP-Lacan School and Cal Institute of Integral Studies

For more information and attendance please contact:

In this Seminar Dr Scott Von will explore his model and method of Integral Medicine & Psychiatry developed at the New Clinic in New York and Los Angeles. A three vector continuum of Mind-Body, East-West, Traditional-Modern as model and practice will be elaborated along with a method of using medicinal substances and physical practices as catalysts and interventions within a Psychoanalytic relationship which honors the drive, desire, and spiritual journey of each subject. This will highlight the importance of the symptom and cure of the modern subject developed in Freudian Neuropsychiatry, Lacanian Psychoanalysis, and Reichian Orgonomy for addressing unresolved medical and psychiatric crises of today.