The first book to be written on the Trump election is by a psychoanalyst. Join us as special guest Dr Roberts Samuels discusses with Dr Scott Von a unique approach to recent political events from a psychoanalytic perspective. While the last Analytica Seminar on “The Politics of the Analyst” focused on the micro-politics of direct action and utopian transformation, this session will focus on recent shocking transformations in macro-politics – including the election of the president of the US and the popular vote on the British exit from the European Community.
Through Lacan’s groundbreaking work on discourse theory and analysis in extension we can understand these socio-political events in new light and approach a politics of the future. Samuels trained as a Lacanian Analyst at the University of Paris where he received his Doctorate and practiced in NY before moving to the University of California where he teaches and is president of the political Union. He is author of Between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis and more recently Psychoanalyzing the Left and Right (after Trump).